There may be times when vulnerable patients and/or their carers need assistance in gaining the help, support and advice they need. This could be for a variety of reasons, including when they are looking to access benefits, support, or health and social services.
An advocate is a person independent of social services and the NHS, who is not one of the patient’s friends or family. They will help direct the patient to gain, argue the patient’s case and help to make sure that correct procedures are followed.
Balmoral Surgery has identified advocacy services for groups of patients who may require this service. Help can also be gained from services such as AGE UK and Diabetes UK, who can help patients find the help and support they need. All staff at Balmoral Surgery are aware of the advocacy service available for patients and will promote this whenever it is appropriate.
Older People
The Deal Centre (for patients over 55yrs) 01304 372608
Mental Health & Dementia
East Kent Advocacy Service 01843 229402 /
Learning Disabilities
Advocacy for all 0345 310 1812 /
Physical Disability
Disability Assist for Independent Living 01233 633187