Carers’ Support
If you are a carer and feel that you need some support, Carers’ Support East Kent can help you. Please visit their website at for further information or ring 0300 302 0061. They also have a Young Adult Carer Service which is specifically aimed at people aged 16 to 24 years old.
Carers Support East Kent
Carers Support are delighted to launch their new digital self-referral form
Do you help someone with:
- Personal things like getting washed, dressed or earing
- Moving or turning at night
- Medication
- Shopping, laundry or cleaning
- Filling in forms
- Managing money
Do you look after a relative or friend, who due to physical or mental illness, age related difficulties, disability or addiction, cannot manage without your support? If so you are a Carer, and the Carers information and support services are there for you. Being a carer can be both rewarding and challenging so it’s important to look after your own health and well-being.
You can access support and complete a self-referral online by visiting: You can also telephone on 0300 302 0061.
They also have a Young Adult Carer service which is specifically aimed at people aged 16 to 24 years old.