You can now register with the practice online, or you will either need to request a new patient pack from reception, or complete the form below. Once you have completed the PRF1 form this will need to be emailed to our Registrations Team, or dropped into reception. Their email address is One of our team will be in touch to confirm your registration with the practice and to inform you of your accountable GP.
Find your NHS number here
Details of the practice area here
If the practice list were to become full (this means we have reached the maximum number of patients on our list for whom we can offer a good standard of medical care) you will be given a letter explaining this, and the care navigators can offer you advice on what you should do next. This will include approaching two other practices and then, if neither of them has an open list, applying to be assigned to the list of a doctor in the area. Assignments are made on a rotational basis between all the practices in a given locality and you will not be able to choose which practice you are assigned to.
The practice does not discriminate in the registering of new patients with the practice and accepts patients from anywhere within the practice boundary. There is no discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, medical condition or disability. Refusal to accept patients can only be made on reasonable grounds such as list closure, patient living outside the practice boundary, or presently registered with another local doctor.
You do not need proof of ID, address, immigration status or an NHS number in order to receive care or see a GP.
We use a text messaging reminder service so that patients who have given us their mobile number receive a reminder of appointments they have booked. To enable this to work for you, please make sure we have your up-to-date mobile telephone number and please inform us if this number ever changes.
Registration Forms
Registered Doctor
The GMS contract moves away from a named registered doctor and patients are now registered with the practice. However, there is a facility to indicate "usual doctor seen" and we can enter that on the computer. The practice will endeavour to comply with such a request although some doctors may be more difficult to make an appointment with than others.
Named Accountable GP information