Balmoral Surgery offer a drop-in service for teenagers for emergency contraception, contraception advice or to discuss any sexual health worries. This is provided by our Practice Nurse every weekday after 4.00pm and is open to anyone whether they are registered at Balmoral or not. No appointment is necessary.
Teenage Drop-In Leaflet (PDF, 120KB)
"I’m really worried that if I want to go on the pill or something my doctor will tell my mum."
“We are here to listen but not to tell”
This means that you can tell others about this visit, but we won’t.
We provide a confidential service to all our patients including under 16’s.
Are you aware that you can change the telephone number on your notes to your number?
You can drop in after 4pm on weekdays without an appointment to discuss with the nurse any contraception or sexual health worries.
You can get emergency contraception, for example, “the morning after pill.”
You can get free condoms here if you are under 24 or anywhere else where the C-card sign is displayed.
You can get a home Chlamydia screening kit.
You can see a doctor or nurse to get help or advice with contraception or sexual health even if you are not a patient at this surgery.
You can ask to speak to a receptionist in a private area in confidence.
Or for support you can visit