Telephone: 01304 373444
Out of Hours: 111
NHS 111: Call 111 or visit
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Find your NHS number here
You do not need to know your NHS number to use NHS services, but it can be useful to have it
The Balmoral Surgery, Canada Road, Walmer, Deal, Kent, CT14 7EQ
Get directions (opens in Google Maps). You can use this link for directions to the surgery if you are driving, cycling, walking or using public transport.
Short-term parking is available and is only to be used while you are in the surgery building. The gates are locked in the evenings and over the weekend.
Disabled Access
The building has been designed with disabled access in mind and there is access to the first floor via a lift. All the patient areas including the waiting room and the consulting rooms have wheelchair access. There are also patient toilets which have wheelchair access.
There are a small number of designated disabled parking spaces available. Please help us to keep these available for those most in need.
Guide and Assistance Dogs
Guide and Assistance Dogs are welcomed by Balmoral Surgery.
Hearing Loops
Hearing loops are available at all sites. Please make one of our receptionists aware if you would like to use these.